Audientes Fortuna Iuvat
Good Fortune
Helps Those Who Listen
Here you will find recordings
of the texts in Appendix 1 of Classical Latin, as well as many
readings from various Latin authors. Spending a few minutes every day
listening to these recordings will help you with your pronunciation
of Latin.
You will find recordings of
the vocabulary introduced in each chapter on the Exercitationes
page. Listening to those recordings may help you memorise the new words
before beginning the exercises.
Verba Romanorum 1 and
2 contain short quotations from Latin poets and prose writers. You may
wish to begin by listening to Verba Romanorum 1, which gives
you an opportunity to repeat each sentence after you have heard it.
The text appears on the screen, but do not be distracted by trying to
work out the meaning.
Turba Scriptorum
This is a small anthology of
famous passages of Latin poetry and prose. Before listening to them,
you may wish to read through the English translation, to get a general
idea of the content.